Should You Purchase a Salvaged Car?
When is a car considered totaled? When the cost of repairs is greater than the car’s worth, then it is considered totaled. The moment these totaled cars are purchased, fixed and put back on the road, they are termed salvage. Car salvage yards don’t just take totaled cars or old junk vehicles and turn them into scrap. They also sell parts for a fraction of their wholesale price. Many people visit these yards for several reasons. The following are three reasons to visit an auto salvage buyer.
You can sell your totaled car for cash
In order for a car to get the totaled title, the cost of its repairs has to outweigh its value. Why waste your money repairing a totaled car when you can just buy a new one for the same price? Many people sell their totaled vehicles to salvage yards for fast cash. In fact, there are now salvage yards everywhere that offer fast and professional towing or pick-up service. They can come to your home or office so it’s totally hassle-free selling your totaled car to them.
You can get the parts you need
If you have an older vehicle that requires specific parts that are hard to come by in parts shops, then you can visit a car salvage buyer instead of purchasing the new version at a high cost. You can just buy the same model vehicle at a salvage yard as they can provide you the piece you need for a much lower price tag. If the body of your car is totally damaged but its carburetor is still intact, you can scrap the metal and keep the part you need.
You can find a good car for a low cost
Did you know that not all salvage finds are total wrecks? Insurance companies deem vehicles totaled as part of a large settlement, even though these vehicles are still in working condition. With some mechanics or bodywork done, these vehicles can safely operate. You can get these rare finds for a lower cost, especially if you only need a temporary car.
These are three reasons to visit an auto salvage buyer. Contact Rebuy Junk and Salvage Cars by Jim at (616) 201-2979 for all your car junking and salvaging inquiries. I am a car salvage buyer based in Grand Rapids, MI.